
Setting goals and pursuing them is easier said than done. More specifically, changing behavior is brutal. But, it is possible to prioritize what matters most. This process of setting strategic and actionable goals is the culmination of research and real-world experience that simplifies the growth process for goal-setters. As a result, the following terms are used throughout the process.

Pro tip: bookmark this page and refer to it over time.

Growth Guide™: the book which contains STRE.ME's process for setting goals and plans of action with examples from professional and personal interests.

STRE.ME's Growth Guide™

Growth Map™: the instrument used to clarify and structure your goals and priorities. This is the first of three steps taken to progress with purpose.

STRE.ME's Growth Map™

Growth Plan™: the place to organize and refine your goals into a manageable, aligned, and measurable plan of action. This is the second of three steps taken in the process.

STRE.ME's Growth Plan™

Mobile App: the point for daily reflections, tracking and visualizing progress, creating nurturing messages, and adding a Partner. This is the last step of the process.

STRE.ME Mobile App
STRE.ME's Mobile App for tracking and visualizing progress with a partner

Strategic Boost™: your primary objective, result, dream, outcome, or main performance goal, which is earned over time. "Strategic" describes its purpose and "boost" affirms the energy put behind pursuing this big goal.

Strategic Boosts in the Growth Map and Growth Plan

Behavior Action Step™: any ongoing behavior or recurring activity that leads to completing your Strategic Boost.

Behavior Action Steps in the Growth Map and Growth Plan

Resource Action Step™: any resource or asset which must be built, acquired, learned, or created to support a Behavior Action Step.

Resource Action Steps in the Growth Map and Growth Plan

Growth Structure™: the components for creating manageable, actionable, and measurable Strategic Boosts and Actions Steps. They include:

  • VERB: describes an action to increase or decrease the noun
  • NOUN: the object in pursuit
  • VALUE: the noun's quantity (#), dollar ($), percentage (%), or time (hour, day, week, etc.)
  • TIMELINE: a date or year, if more than 24 months away
Growth Structure creates clarity

Partner: like an accountability partner, this is someone who you trust and will hold you accountable by seeing your mobile app progress.